Online Academic support: 13+, GCSE & A Level

- Location
- Students
2 girls requiring 13+ preparation & IGCSE (subsequently A Level) 2013-2021.
- Main objective
To help the students transition from international school overseas to flourish at UK independent schools.
- Outcomes
Academic Scholarship, top IGCSE & A Level grades, successful Law School entrance.
“We have just received and wanted to share the attached letter from Benenden’s headmistress offering A an unconditional place at Benenden, based on her results, school reports and their testing during the 2018 13+ preview weekend last weekend. We are delighted with this outcome (and particularly with the invitation to her to sit the 13+ scholarship exams next February) given that her current British curriculum school doesn’t prepare its students for the ISEB test and have to thank you for your responsiveness and help in enabling her to achieve this. We are very grateful and will revert for assistance with prepping her for the scholarship exams!”
“S’s IGCSE results came out this morning and she passed all 10 subjects. I thought that you might be interested to know that she achieved 9 “A” grades including 5 “A*s” and 1 “B”. We know how important and strategic your support has been in helping her achieve these grades and cannot express how deeply we have appreciated your warm support and interest in her. With her late move for midstream IGCSEs in year 10 and huge foundational gaps in the science subjects, which had her averaging a mixed bag of grades as late as October last year, we are relieved that she achieved the grades. Your support has been invaluable, you are an excellent group of people and, as she is resolved to do even better in her AS and A levels in English, History, Economics and Politics next term, we hope that we can continue to count on your support.”
“Good news – received Simisola’s A Level results today – Economics A* (!), English A*, History A, Extended Project A* in addition to her A at AS level for Government and Politics. So, she exceeded the grades required for her place to study law at the London School of Economics (they had asked for A*AA). We are very grateful for your input over Easter in helping her get here; thank you again!“