"The brain is a muscle and, like an athlete preparing for a race, given the right training, there are few things at which it cannot improve."
Hong Kong
Our Hong Kong connection was established in 2012 after Bespoke Tuition’s Managing Director had spent 2 years as a private tutor in Hong Kong, providing one to one home tuition. With jam-packed weekly schedules, we see the stress and fatigue caused to students and their parents as they attend tuition centres in tight after school windows. Our unique service in Hong Kong delivers a professional British tutor directly to your family home on Hong Kong island, Kowloon, Lantau and parts of the New Territories (or online if preferred). Families can opt to engage a tutor for anything between 1-20 hours per week, after school, at weekends or over holiday periods. Our hand-picked team of expert UK tutors are mostly UK Qualified Teachers who can support with gap-filling and challenging students in the core school subjects (English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Languages). We also focus on skill-building such as time management, organisation, critical thinking and test-taking strategies for internal or international school moves.
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