Residential Tuition in the Cotswolds

- Location
Summer holiday in the Cotswolds
- Duration
3 weeks
- Children
7 and 9 year old girls
- Tutor Selected
Abi, a 28 year old Private Tutor and Children’s Author with teaching experience at two UK independent co- educational schools: Ibstock Place School in Richmond and St Gabriel’s in Berkshire.
Mother of two relays her account of the live-in tutoring experience, from discussing the idea of residential tutoring, to selecting a tutor and having a wonderfully successful vacation with her children and the well-matched tutor, Abi.
“I was slightly apprehensive about hiring a holiday tutor. Would it be too much for my children? My fears were unfounded. We are in an international school and I wanted my children kept on track with the expectations of the UK system. Emma’s agency is called Bespoke Tuition for good reason. Emma listened to me and we worked together to find the best possible person to help my daughters. My requests were very specific and my standards were very high but every candidate Emma introduced me to could have done the job. In fact I was spoilt for choice. Having worked in recruitment myself and dealt with other agencies before I know Emma is unusually skilled, professional, encouraging, diligent and refreshingly pleasant. I was so pleased not to waste valuable time.
Eventually we decided on Abi. My girls adored her from the moment they first ‘met’ her on Skype. Emma made the introduction and we went from there. Emma did not rush me and I felt we came to a careful decision after two interviews. Abi was all anyone could wish for as a holiday tutor and I don’t praise lightly. She was wholesome, sporty, friendly, professional, flexible, fun creative and bright – with outstanding academic qualifications to match her experience. This was very important to me. She was exactly the sort of role model and mentor I was pleased to leave with my young daughters.
She was an outstanding teacher and took my daughters on rambles, being smart enough to sense when it was time for a break and managed to source unusual activities for them even in the countryside from pottery classes to ferret racing!
My 6 year old grew in confidence reading and writing about Roald Dahl by the holiday end. Abi worked on ‘micro-skills’ helping with specific aspects of Literacy and Numeracy. She planned a flexible timetable in advance and put hours of work in even before she met us. Neither of my girls experienced the much documented educational ‘summer slide’ and in fact my eldest moved up a Maths set after a placement test on her return to school.
I was slightly concerned that having a stranger around during our holiday time might be awkward but Abi knew instinctively when to give us private time and was a perfect fit. She was very comfortable in her own skin and, having worked in family homes before, nothing phased her.
There were tears, as predicted, when Abi left us. She’s such a lovely girl possessing a natural affinity for children; I feel she would do her utmost for any pupil. I could write so much more in praise of her. If my daughters grow to be like Abi I will have done a splendid job, I can only live in hope.
All in all our holiday tuition was a so positive we are hiring another tutor this summer through Emma.”
– Unabridged recount from parent