Travelling Tutors
A post-Covid remedy to 2020’s education misadventure? “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The realist adjusts the sails.“ WILLIAM ARTHUR WARD With travel off-limits
This article was written by Tom M, a tutor of Bespoke Tuition, Qualified Teacher and ex Physics Teacher at Tiffin School who has delivered bespoke private tuition since 2010. To request a tutorial with Tom, please email:
I was never a naturally organised student. As a boy, I would frequently return home without my PE Kit, my pencil case, my jumper. My notes were a mess and it was only the herd-like movement of schoolchildren that ensured I turned up at the right classroom in time for each lesson.
In the sixth-form, I began to take charge of my own organisation. I’d like to think it was due to increasing maturity and blossoming self-awareness but I suspect I was given the majority of these tips by older, wiser heads.
Some people seem to be naturally organised. Always in the right place at the right time and with the right stuff. They make it look effortless. The truth is that there’s no magic to organisation. Those naturally organised people are just following a system of rules to manage their time, paperwork and possessions. If it comes naturally to you, that’s a bonus but anyone can learn to be more organised.
Organising your notes and your diary might seem like a lot of work but I promise you that by investing a little time and effort now, you will save yourself countless wasted hours spent searching for notes or catching up missed lessons, not to mention all the stress and panic that goes with being disorganised.
The key to a good system for organisation is that it should be easy to use. This sounds obvious but if you’re not a naturally organised person (and most of us aren’t) then any system that’s too complicated to use won’t last long before you get sick of it and fall back into disorganisation.
Some of this might seem obvious, patronising even. Feel free to skip over the bits you already have under control. I promise you, I had to learn all of this stuff, even the most basic bits the hard way.
Writing notes
If you can follow these tips until they become habit, I promise you it will save you time and more importantly the stress of lost work and missed deadlines. Give it a try and see how it works out for you!
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A post-Covid remedy to 2020’s education misadventure? “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The realist adjusts the sails.“ WILLIAM ARTHUR WARD With travel off-limits
Particularly after the long summer holidays, that ‘back to school’ feeling can be felt very heavily by many students and can negatively impact their whole attitude and approach to their studies in the first
by Kate W Kate is a British teacher and author. She attended an all-girls grammar school & graduated with a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Kent.