Being organised: tips for students
This article was written by Tom M, a tutor of Bespoke Tuition, Qualified Teacher and ex Physics Teacher at Tiffin School who has delivered bespoke private tuition since 2010. To request a tutorial
A post-Covid remedy to 2020’s education misadventure?
“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change.
The realist adjusts the sails.“
With travel off-limits for much of 2020, many of us are dreaming of the moment in 2021 when tropical holidays, ski trips and jaunts across the channel will be back on the agenda. Whilst all students need their downtime outside of school terms, holiday periods in the academic year 2020-2021 will be absolutely key stages for students to catch up on hefty workloads and attempt to regain control over their studies. Even with summer exam dates pushed back in sympathy of a covid-impacted academic year, the half terms and Easter holidays preceding those exams will provide precious breathing spaces for students to gather their thoughts, consolidate what they do and don’t know, and try to manage their study time effectively following such a choppy year.
As well as the provision of Hourly Tuition, both face-to-face and online, Bespoke Tuition specialises in the provision of ‘Travelling Tutors’, assigning hand-picked Private Tutors to reside with or nearby discerning families over holiday periods, for a few days, a few weeks or even full time. This world-renowned Residential Tuition service allows a family to engage a well-matched, professional tutor to accompany them, home or abroad, offering bespoke academic tuition on a daily basis. Whether it be battening down the hatches in a lodge in Scotland, heading for the Alps to hit the slopes or escaping to more exotic climes, there are few parts of the world Bespoke Tuition’s highly experienced travelling tutors have not been posted.
Whilst the shift to online learning has converted many sceptics to see the effectiveness of digital education, human connection is hard to replicate online. For some age groups, personalities or learning challenges, an online 8+ tutor or virtual GCSE Science tutor simply doesn’t work, since much of learning requires physical modelling, corrective coaching and human contact.
With the long summer holidays looming ahead, a family with 3 children engaged a residential tutor of Bespoke Tuition on their break to Glynn Barton Cottages in Cornwall, with the objective to not only gap-fill and reinforce foundations but to hone their children’s critical thinking, problem-solving and executive function skills. Mrs Astor subsequently commented, “I have never seen the kids so fired up and academically motivated – global issues were debated with my eldest son over mealtimes, my youngest learned invaluable dyslexia-management strategies and it undoubtedly set my middle child up for success in her 11+ entrance examinations. After this wonderful experience, I would hire a live-in tutor again in a heartbeat.”
Another family had three boys aged 14, 16 and 18 years old and decided to take two school terms off for a ‘round-the-world’ sailing sabbatical. With all three boys at different stages, they needed an adaptable tutor to guide them with individual learning objectives. Bespoke Tuition assigned a highly experienced British tutor to accompany the family on their voyage. We were delighted to receive the following review:
Rather than putting a dampener on a holiday, engaging a ‘travelling tutor’ can in fact enable families to take holidays over key academic years, when otherwise trips would be foregone in favour of revision at the kitchen table. Having an on-site, on-hand private tutor also removes the pressure of maxing out the 1 hour of the week when a home tutor comes to visit; instead, routines and work schedules can be entirely customised to suit a student’s fatigue levels and family leisure time. Intensive daily tuition affords the opportunity to really drill down on an individual’s specific learning challenges, skill-build and bridge gaps. Daily tutor time is usually around 4-5 hours per day, leaving plenty of time for extracurricular fun! Weakness areas are soon addressed, targets put in place and learning reinforced; results are frequently swift because the learning is so personalised.
Could the dedicated attention of a personal tutor on-site be the answer to your education dilemmas next holiday? Never perhaps has it been more important for students to feel buoyed with confidence, motivation and inspiration than in 2021. An on-hand private tutor, matched by one of the best tutoring agencies will help to arm students with a personalised learning toolkit on top of better grade expectations. Some families opt for a travelling tutor for a week’s holiday; others engage one on a full time homeschooling basis. Whether your family is based overseas, enjoys regular trips abroad, or plans on sailing around the globe, Bespoke Tuition can supply an all-in-one educator, mentor and role model wherever and whenever you require, so don’t hold back on actioning that wanderlust!
Contact us today to discuss your travelling tutor requirements
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This article was written by Tom M, a tutor of Bespoke Tuition, Qualified Teacher and ex Physics Teacher at Tiffin School who has delivered bespoke private tuition since 2010. To request a tutorial
(and keep brains stimulated over the holidays or lockdown!) A love of learning, sense of resourcefulness and pursuit of creativity are some of the greatest gifts we can pass on
Ever Tried? Ever Failed? No Matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better. With so much time spent learning from home and particularly with the dramatic shift towards online learning, never has it