
Critical Thinking

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
- Aristotle -


How do you improve Critical Thinking Skills? We must get asked this question at least once a week by parents and students alike looking for strategies to think more analytically, dig deeper with questioning and look at the bigger picture. Our Critical Thinking Courses are available on demand and can be taken as a one-off, an intensive 2-5 day course or a series of once weekly classes. The general structure for all programmes will be as follows:

  • ASKING WHY – why are things the way they are? We accept a lot of things in life as just so but often we need to unearth the reason they are so and from this we can sometimes question our old ways of thinking to find new ideas and solutions that make things easier.
  • AGREE OR DISAGREE – developing a sense of personal opinion is paramount. At school age, we sometimes feel we have to agree with everyone else but working through a variety of material and questioning whether we actually hold the same thoughts and feelings as others is an important development in personality and sense of self.
  • IMPLICATIONS & OUTCOMES – it is really important for students to think about consequences and so discussions will centre around how or why decisions are made and the follow on effects.
  • INFERENCE AND DEDUCTION – these skills lie at the heart of critical thinking and are essential elements to reading comprehension not just in English but also in other humanities subjects such as History and Geography.

Course Leaders for different levels


Maxine has taught Critical Thinking within Primary school, as part of a Gifted & Talented after school club and embedded it within daily Guided Reading sessions with Key Stage 2 students (improving comprehension skills).

CRITICAL THINKING FOR SECONDARY: Laurence (MA History & Management: First)

Laurence has tutored since 2013. Having attended Sevenoaks School, UK, he scored in the top 1% of IB students worldwide. Laurence has taught Critical Thinking Masterclasses at Dulwich College, UK.


Luke has eight years of experience preparing applicants for the TSA Section 1 for Oxbridge entrance, with students gaining places on competitive courses including PPE and Economics & Management. 


With dual British/American citizenship, Julia attended Sherborne and Cheltenham Ladies College. She has been a full time tutor since 2009 and helps to teach Critical Thinking to students applying to US universities. 

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Enquire about Critical Thinking

“Leela came away from your course energised and enthusiastic! Which is great given what a hard year it has been; lockdown and a degree of academic exhaustion from Sevenoaks and IB. I am sure you know all about that!”

Critical Thinking Course Review

Martha, parent of Leela

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