
Shakespeare Simplified

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
- Mahatma Gandhi -


PRIMARY: Sienna’s sessions aim to show that Shakespeare’s plays are as accessible now as they were four hundred years ago. By deciphering Shakespeare for students of a younger age, the bard’s work becomes easy to understand, enjoyable, relevant and above all else, fun! These entertaining Shakespeare workshops are designed to be interactive, thought-provoking and stimulating.

Primary Course Coordinator: Sienna C

  • BA English & Drama, MA Acting
  • 6 years’ experience of Shakespeare workshops

SECONDARY: This course aimed at students in Years 10-11 will demystify Shakespeare’s work while addressing key GCSE exam board assessment objectives. The course features guided seminars on how to analyse Shakespeare’s language and his use of dramatic structure. Throughout the course, vital social, historical and cultural context will be outlined, including a discussion of original performance practices.

Secondary Course Coordinator: Jess B

  • BA English, PGCE
  • GCSE Teacher & Marker

Course Leader


Shakespeare Workshop Leader


Shakespeare Workshop Leader

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Anwen’s practical Shakespeare Workshops are designed to be interactive, accessible, thought-provoking and fun. They give young people the opportunity to experience Shakespeare’s text physically, vocally and emotionally. Her workshops, customised to all ages, demystify Shakespeare and aim to show that his plays are as accessible now as they were four hundred years ago. As such, the bard’s work becomes easy to understand, enjoyable, relevant and above all else, fun!

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